Breakfast Popsicle Recipe - Cool Way to Start the Day!
This is a bright, sweet treat loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. It’s a great way to introduce dark leafy greens into your child’s diet (or another picky family member) and help them acquire a taste for this important super food.
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen spinach
½ frozen banana – chopped into large chunks
3 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 tablespoon expeller-pressed coconut oil (optional)
Step 1: Toss all ingredients into a blender.
Step 2: Pulse a few times to break up the frozen ingredients.
Step 3: Blend on high smoothie setting for approximately 1 minute.
Once you're done, pour into your favorite Popsicle mold or an ice cube tray and freeze. Serve for breakfast with hard boiled eggs or a piece of whole grain toast topped with pastured butter or unsweetened nut butter.