Country Heat is HERE!!!!

Country Heat Coming Summer 2016 featuring Autumn Calabrese.

I'm so excited that Country Heat is finally HERE!!!!! Why? First, dancing of any kind is just fun even if you think you can't dance. So who wouldn't want to count dancing as their daily workout. Second, it’s the latest and greatest program developed by my little sis, Autumn Calabrese. Third, the test group results have been beyond what anyone expected. People are getting even better results than 21 Day Fix. What?!?! 

Country Heat is a high-energy, easy-to-follow, low-impact, country dance-inspired fitness program that so totally fires up the fun—you won't even feel like you're working out! 30 minutes of nonstop dancing to reshape your body, melt off the weight, and tone and tighten everything from your booty to your legs, shoulders, and arms…all in just 30 days! 

Ask Autumn, I'm not the most coordinated and I'm definitely not a dancer, but I was able to catch on to the samples she practiced at my house over the holidays pretty quickly and I definitely worked up a sweat! You can check out a video on my facebook event page and see me in action if you're wondering what some of the moves look like :)

You can do this program alone and I'm sure you'll get results. But if you want to guarantee fun, crush your goals and make some new friends in the process we'd love to have you join us for the first official Country Heat Challenge Group. The support and accountability (not to mention the recipe ideas and meal plans) are the true key to sticking with the program and making it work for you. We all need a little help from our friends, right? :) So, fill out my contact form here or drop me a quick email at and let me know if you're in. (Can't be an existing Beachbody coach or working with a coach already.) 

Still not convinced? We sat down with Autumn to get the low down on Country Heat and here's what we learned.

1. This is not a line dancing workout. It's a workout program inspired by the world of line dancing, which means it's actually a cardio fitness workout set to country music using a simple, easy to follow breakdown of fun to perform dance moves that anyone can do.

2. The moves are easy to follow so you can really get into them and work hard toning your muscles and firing up an amazing sweat.

3. This program was designed with the person with 2 left feet in mind. That doesn't mean it's easy, it means it's easy to follow along. It's choreographed in a way that makes it possible for EVERYONE to have success with the program from the super fit 21 Day Fix Extreme graduate to the individual who has never worked out a day in their life. 

4. The test group results have been beyond expectations. In fact, the participants have been getting better results than the 21 Day Fix test groups did and there's a scientific reason why. When you lift weights you get a cortisol response (a normal inflammatory response from weight lifting) that can make your body hold onto water. In the first week of a weight program you often won't see much in the way of weight change because of this response in the body. With Country Heat, you don't get that inflammatory response. Think about the body's of dancers you've known or seen. They are lean, toned and they do not lift weight. You can get a killer workout and an amazing body from dancing!

5. The Base Kit for Country Heat is 5 workouts plus 1 bonus dance routine and of course, Autumn's successful and proven portion control nutrition plan. The songs are from known and loved artists like Miranda Lambert and Brad Paisley. There is a modifier. The workout itself is low impact so it's accessible even for people with knee or joint issues, but if you need to take all the impact out there is an option for that as well. There is not a separate core workout because ab work is built into every song. You will not only feel the burn in your legs, arms and cardio, but you will whittle your waist with every 30 minute routine! The program is 30 days, 6 days a week for 30 minutes a day. So manageable, even for the busiest schedules. 

Country Heat Group Shot

If you are ready to get amazing results and have fun doing it you can get your Country Heat challenge pack starting Wednesday, July 27. I'll make an official post the minute it's live, but that's the big day! 

Click here to get your challenge pack if you know you are in. Otherwise, shoot me an email and let's chat about your goals and questions and make sure it's the perfect fit for you. This program is for anyone and everyone no matter your current fitness level so don’t miss out on all the fun! Can't wait to start working up a sweat and shaking my daily workout up. Come on and join me! Doesn't this look like fun!

FitnessCalie Calabrese