22 CALIBER CHALLENGE – A Challenge Group for Men of Change

22 Caliber Challenge - 22 Minute Hard Corps

Guest Post by my hubby, Heath

Not all that long ago, I was sick and tired. I was wandering in darkness, haplessly fumbling and stumbling in a zombie-like trance. And then, a light…

It wasn’t like I had a lot of weight to lose. I wasn’t struggling with any serious medical conditions. On the outside, I looked healthy enough, that is if you could get past the dark circles under my eyes and the deadness in my gaze. But my diet left much to be desired. My fitness routine was bordering on non-existent. I was physically weak and mentally exhausted. My spiritual life was as puny as my biceps. I was unhappy. I was making mistakes. I was imploding.

All that changed this last fall, when a confluence of events led to a decision. A choice. To get healthy. To be well. To find joy. To be the man I was supposed to be. It started with a re-commitment to myself, my family and my God. I carved out time to build my faith and my spiritual walk. I started consistently putting healthy food in my mouth. I began exercising daily, using programs developed by Beachbody. And I started searching for answers to questions that required me to address old wounds and get better acquainted with who I really am.

The transformation has been dramatic for me.  It’s made me grateful in a thousand different ways. And it’s created a burning desire in me to help others see the light as well. That’s why I approached my wife, Calie, and said, “I want to run a challenge group for you.”

This group is for you men out there. Men like me. Like the man I recently was. Men who want to find the strength to reclaim their lives. Sound interesting? Then, come on and man up with me!

In the 22 caliber challenge, we will empower ourselves to be the men we were created to be, through new lifestyle habits that will change our health & happiness for good.

We'll be setting new rituals for food, fitness and faith. Basically, we'll be changing how we fuel our mind, body and soul. 30 days. 22 minutes of focused fitness (using Tony Horton's 22 Minute Hard Corps Program). 22 minutes of guided quiet time with God. And some good decisions in the kitchen, including a daily dose of Shakeology (a power-packed, super food smoothie. That’s the formula for life altering results. This is the change you've been seeking. On the other side is the life you were meant to enjoy.

This group is for you, if you can identify with any of the following:

  • You have a dad bod that goes great with your mini van

  • Your idea of a balanced diet is making sure you don’t go through the same drive thru window more than once a week

  • The closest you get to a daily workout is driving by the gym where you have an unused membership

  • Your life is one, big, never ending grind, with no joy to be found

  • You are so far from God, you don’t even remember being close to Him

  • A specific sin has such a tight grip on you that you are slowly self-destructing

  • Your anger is such a problem that you could be classified as an explosive device

  • You feel disconnected, isolated and alone

  • For the first time, you feel like maybe you look your age (or worse, you look older!)

  • You can’t explain it, but you know there has to be more than the life you’re living

  • You are experiencing difficulty connecting with your wife, kids or friends

  • Your overall mental, emotional and physical health seems to be declining

  • You aren’t depressed, but maybe you just might be

You can’t even begin to imagine what changes you will see by simply committing to daily discipline around food, fitness and faith. It will only change everything. If you are less than satisfied with the man you are today, then take this journey with me. Let’s display feats of strength that will surprise and delight ourselves and everyone else in our lives.

Getting started is simple. Fill out the brief contact form at coachcalie.com/contact to raise your hand. Or email me, Heath, at hshackleford@yahoo.com. That’s it. We’ll walk you through the process from there.

*Can not be an existing Beachbody coach or working with another coach to participate.