How Great Was Your Body Designed to Feel? Let's Find Out!

Yes, I'm a holistic health coach.  And yes, I get busy and I fall off the healthy living wagon. I hit plateaus and I need help taking my fitness to the next level. We all do. 

This time last year, I went through the 21 Day Fix, created by my sister, Autumn Calabrese, because I was really proud of the program she created and I wanted to experience it for myself. I gained so much strength and my body went through a noticeable transformation. Even though I was eating really healthy food and teaching about 3-5 barre classes a week before I started, the consistency of the 30 minute workouts 7 days a week and portion control (because you can have too much of a good cashews, wine and dark chocolate) made a huge difference in how I felt and how I looked. 

Here I am, a year later, coming off the holidays and on the upswing of healing from adrenal fatigue. My workouts have been limited to restorative yoga and walking and while I've kept my food pretty clean I've paid very little attention to portions. I've lost a lot of muscle and strength and I'm starting to feel sluggish and congested more often. It's ok. It was what I need for that time, but that time is over. I'm ready to reign it in and start to feel strong and healthy again. It's time. I can do this on my own, but it's always more fun with a group. We're stronger together. The accountability keep me on task daily and helps me push myself even when I'm the only one in the room when I push play. So I'm starting another challenge group. You can choose from 21 Day Fix or Fix Extreme. 

If you're ready to see just how far you can take your fitness in only 21 days then you have to join me on this journey! It's going to be intense, but it's also going to change your health and your body in amazing ways. And it's only 21 days! Share your email address below so we can make sure you get your Fix in time to join us Monday, January 18.

 Who's in for:

  • No diets or deprivation. Just real food and a simple color coded portion control system.
  • 30 minute daily workouts that require very little space and little to no equipment. Just a resistance band or 1-2 sets of weights.
  • daily Shakeology (new flavor, Cafe Latte, comes out January 11) - it's a proven fact that challengers who choose to incorporate Shakeology into their Fix have better results and are able to stay committed longer. It covers one meal a day and gives you the nutrients and energy for a great workout.
  • Be part of a motivating group cheering each other on to achieve real, lasting results
  • fun, always fun and prizes for top challengers
  • The only requirements: You must have me as your BeachBody Coach, you have to be willing to participate in our online private facebook group, you must purchase (or already own) either 21 Day Fix or Fix Extreme.

Let's make 2016 our healthiest year yet!!! Register below to be added to my private challenge group and receive all the info to order your Fix so you're ready to go on January 18. Oh, and one more thing. Invite your friends. If we get 50 people in our challenge group, my sister and creator of the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme, will join us for a kick-off call to answer all of our questions and get us started on this journey the right way. Plus, for every friend you invite who purchases a Fix kit through me you'll get one entry to win an outfit from Autumn's new clothing line.


If you don't currently work with another Beach Body coach and you would like me to be your coach fill out the form below and I'll send you all the info to order your fix. If you have purchased Fix or Fix Extreme through me in the past and want to join our challenge group challenge group for another round just make a note below when you submit your form so I can add you to our private Facebook group. Then forward this link to your friends and make sure they tell me who sent them so you can be entered to win an outfit from Autumn's new fitness line. 

Name *

Choose one




Share email addresses for your friends to be entered to win an outfit from Autumn's new clothing line. Or just send them this link.



FitnessCalie Calabrese