Portion Fix Nutrition Group - 30 Days to A Healthier You!

Coach Calie Calabrese meal prep with Portion Fix Nutrtion - 30 days to a healthier you!

A healthy outside really does start from the inside. When we're eating well we create health in all areas of our life. We heal our guts, we enhance our mood, we increase our energy. We are more likely to work out because we feel better. We are kinder because we feel better. We are happier and more confident because we feel better! When we eat well...when we give our bodies what they really need and crave...it's so much easier to show up in every other area of our life because we just feel good!

Even though I spent most of my life trying to eat healthy and even believing I was eating healthy. I never felt great. I got so used to feeling tired, getting sick, living with stress, yoyo-ing between sizes in my clothes, never really feeling comfortable and confident that I just accepted it as part of life. FLC syndrome (Feel Like Crap) was jus my normal and I accepted it for a long time. My health had to truly crash. I had to reach a place where I just couldn't take it anymore in order to go out and seek help to feel better. I got to a place where I just couldn't believe that we were meant to feel that that crappy. That is where my wellness journey began 10 years ago. I learned to eat better in order to feel better. No magic pills. No magic supplement. Just foundational good nutrition that worked for MY body. 

When I finally connected how I felt with what I put in my body...it was suddenly so much easier to make the healthy choices. I haven't looked back since! Eating well is one of the most important acts of self-care you can practice daily. I want to help you do just that. Learn to eat well for YOUR body. That's why I created this 30 Day Online Accountability Group . It's not about dieting or deprivation. It's about learning to fuel your body with delicious food you actually love to eat that helps you feel amazing. And yes, we will even eat desserts and things like pizza and wine!

I know there is so much confusing information out there and it can be overwhelming to try and figure out what to eat for your body's needs and how to feed yourself and your family without spending all of your time in the kitchen. We are going to simplify things and give you all the tools and resources and support you need to be successful without feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. This group isn't necessarily about losing weight - although most of us will lose some weight when we change our nutrition. That's a bonus. It's about truly building a healthy body from the inside out and creating a way of eating that fuels your best life and most importantly is something you actually can AND want to maintain! I've been able to maintain my nutrition habits for over 10 years...evolving, learning and tweaking as my needs have changed...but the foundation is the same. Here's what you can expect from this group.

Portion Fix 30 Day Online Accountability Group:

  • Weekly meal plans with grocery shopping lists based on your personal needs and goals (we will help you determine this with a super simple formula based on your weight and activity level)

  • Plant-based (this is not vegan or vegetarian, but lots of plants are included b/c that how we fuel, repair and build a healthy body one cell at a time), gluten-free and traditional recipes included. This isn't about deprivation...there are no restrictions...you can still have chocolate and wine.

  • All meals and recipes are containerized and FIX approved (we will use the FIXATE cooking show on Beachbody On Demand for amazing, easy to prepare recipes) plus many of my personal favorites and weekly go tos. The container system is simply color containers that help you measure your portions and ensure you're getting enough of each food group for your needs. Learning to balance this is part of fueling your body for optimal energy, digestion, weight loss and health.

  • Daily Shakeology recipe for your snack (think blueberry pie, banana split, mint mocha, chocolate covered cherries and more)

  • Weekly fix approved dessert recipe

  • 2 Zoom calls with professional chef and co-creator of the FIXATE Cooking Show, Bobby Calabrese (30 minute cooking lesson and live q&a)

  • Live Meal Prep Zoom Call every Sunday led by Sara Gillis (check out her amazing meal prep session on Instagram @suraelizabeth_)

  • Weekly nutrition lesson and live q&a with me (Holistic Health Coach)

    • Week 1 - Sugar Blues - overcoming sugar addiction and kicking cravings for good

    • Week 2 - Food Sensitivities - what they are, how to identify them and how they're hindering your health

    • Week 3 - Gut health and healing - good health and a good mood start in your gut

    • Week 4 - Plant Based Basics for Optimal Health and Wellness

    • We will track our containers via a free nutrition app that's super easy to use!

Coach Calie with Portion Fix Containers

Are you ready to stop trying every fad out there? 

Are you ready to actually feel better?

Are you ready to love what you're eating and feel good after you eat it?

Are you ready to change your health and the health of your family in 30 days?

Fill out this form and I'll help you get started! It's going to be an amazing journey and I'm so excited to support you on it. 

Portion Fix - 30 Days to a Healthier You!