LIIFT 4 Sample Workout & Early Access Details

The free 30-minute preview of LIIFT4 is live today only. It's a full body workout that requires resistance bands or light, medium and heavy weights. Joel is going to work us from head to toe for maximum results in a minimum amount of time so keep your equipment close by for quick transitions. Remember, this FREE preview is available today only and can only be accessed from a web browser on your computer, tablet or smart phone. It is not available on the Beachbody On Demand iOS or Android app. If you don't have access to Beachbody On Demand you can set up a free account through this link and join us for the sample workout! 

Lift, HIIT, Rest, Repeat, LIIFT4 coming to Beachbody On Demand October 1.

LIIFT4, the newest training program from Joel Freeman, creator of Core De Force, is a no-nonsense combination of weightlifting and high intensity (HIIT) cardio to build muscle and scorch fat. The moves are based on classic lifting techniques that let you isolate, stabilize and focus each rep on the muscle group you're working. Every workout ends with a core routine for a full body build and burn that leaves you shredded. There are no gimmicky moves, no overly complicated routines and no opportunity for boredom because you'll never do the same workout twice. Get it DONE in just 4 days a week, about 30 minutes a day, 8 weeks total. Perfect for busy summers. Oh, and there's a treat day...because it's summer and life is about balance!

I know many of us are used to 6 days a week and a lot of us have completed 80 Day Obsession. Trust me. You aren't going to lose results and this is perfect if you want to add in other variety because you can. Run, cycle, take a yoga class, do your favorite 80 Day Obsession routine on a few of your days off. This program is designed to allow you to incorporate other activities you love into your workout routine if you want to. But if you don't or you just don't have will still get amazing results! 

I've been looking forward to this program for MONTHS!!!! My success group will go live on Facebook July 16 and we are going to crush this program and our results for 8 weeks for the healthiest and happiest summer of wellness. (Worried about nutrition...don't! I've got all of my favorite clean party foods and drink recipes ready to share with you so you will experience zero deprivation and 100% results.)

Coach Calie with Joel Freeman.

How do you join us

Check out the options for VIP Early Access below then fill out my application with your personal selections. I'll send you a personalized shopping cart on June 11 so you can get everything you want and need to get into my private success group and be ready to rock on July 16. (Remember, it takes time for everything to ship so don't delay if you want to make sure you have your tools for Day 1)

Package Options for Early Access To Our July 16 Success Group

(NOTE: All challenge packs include early access and the resistance bands as well as a Shakeology shaker cup and printed and digital LIIFT4 Program & Nutrition Guide, Calendar & Weight Progression Tracker):

Challenge Packs For Anyone Who Does Not Have Beachbody On Demand

  1. LIIFT4 Annual Beachbody on Demand Membership and Shakeology (choose your flavor) - $170

  2. LIIFT4 Annual Beachbody on Demand Performance Pack (Energize, Hydrate & Recover) - $170

  3. LIIFT4 Annual Beachbody on Demand Membership & Shakeology & Performance Deluxe challenge Pack - $230

  4. LIIFT4 Annual Beachbody on Demand Membership & Shakeology & Performance Mega Challenge Pack (1 tub of Energize, 2 tubs of Recover b/c your muscles will crave it, 1 tub of Hydrate & 2 Tubs of Recharge so you can get ultimate recovery for ultimate results) - $445

Accessories Bundles For Those Who Already Have Beachbody On Demand

(Note: If you already have a Beachbody Coach please contact them to get early access to LIIFT4. I must be your coach for you to gain access to our LIIFT4 Success Group July 16. If your coach was randomly assigned to you and you are not working with them or if your coach has quit you can request a coach change. Note that in the application below.)

  1. LIIFT4 Accessories Bundle (VIP Early Access on BOD, 2 resistance bands, Printed & Digital LIIFT4 Program & Nutrition Materials, Calendar & Weight Progression Tracker) - $49.95

  2. LIIFT4 Deluxe Accessories Bundle (adds 1 tub of Energize, 1 tube of Recover, Performance Shaker Cup) - $140

  3. LIIFT4 Mega Accessories Bundle (adds 1 tub of Energize, 2 tubs of Recover, 1 tub of Hydrate, 2 tubs of Recharge, Core Comfort Mat, Foam Roller, Performance Shaker Cup) - $369

  4. LIIFT4 VIP Early Access Digital Only - $39.95

Completion Packs *Must have Beachbody On Demand to Purchase

  1. LIIFT4 Shakeology Completion Pack (early access, Shakeology, 2 resistance bands, Printed & Digital Materials, Shakeology Shaker Cup) - $140

  2. LIIFT4 Performance Completion Pack (early access, 1 tub of Energize, 1 tub of Recover, 2 resistance bands, Printed & Digital Materials, Performance Shaker Cup) - $140

  3. LIIFT4 Shakeology & Performance Deluxe Completion Pack (early access, Shakeology, 1 tub Energize, 1 tub Recover, 2 resistance bands, Printed & Digital materials, Shakeology Shaker Cup, Performance Shaker Cup) - $200

  4. LIIFT4 Shakeology & Performance Mega Completion Pack (early access, Shakeology, 1 tub Energize, 2 tubs Recover, 1 tub Hydrate, 2 tubs Recharge, 2 resistance bands, Core Comfort Mat, Foam Roller, Printed & Digital materials, Shakeology Shaker Cup, Performance Shaker Cup) - $400

If you sign up or upgrade to a coach account when purchasing your LIIFT4 early access you will receive access to Joel Freeman's private coach test group being run exclusively by Joel himself for the full duration of the program. You will also receive 25% off all future purchases with no obligation to work the business. You can simply enjoy the discounts and Joel's group in addition to mine!

If you are not interested in purchasing an Early Access option listed above, LIIFT4 workouts will open up to all Beachbody On Demand members on October 1 in your library. 

I can't think of a better way to win the summer than with LIIFT4! Crush it 4 days a week, lock down that nutrition most of the time, but enjoy guilt free treat days, have the flexibility to incorporate other activities you love, get amazing results. Don't miss out. Join us for 8 weeks of summer fun getting fit while staying flexible. 

Try the preview workout TODAY ONLY (June 4) then fill out the application below and I'll send your link to join us on June 11.

I Want VIP Early Access to LIIFT4

Early access packs are available beginning June 11. Success groups open up July 16. Are you ready?

Can't wait to spend the summer getting healthy with you!