Apply Today to Be a Wellness Advocate - Get a $10k Marketing Jumpstart for Free

Apply Today To Be A Wellness Advocate - Get A $10K Marketing Jumpstart for Free

Want to become a Wellness Advocate on Coach Calie’s team?

Earn anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000+ a month while spreading the gift of health. Apply today to get more than $10,000 worth of free marketing and sales support from Coach Calie to build your wellness advocate business fast.

Healing the World

This is your chance to be part of a national team of health enthusiasts that believe in the power of real food, organic solutions and being your best you! Together, we can heal the world!

Coach Calie, a leading natural living blogger, holistic health coach and co-owner of Studio 3 Fitness, is seeking a handful of passionate health professionals to join her healthy living network. Are you ready to generate more income while making a difference in the lives of family, friends and your community?

What is the Wellness Advocate Program?

We’re seeking five (and only five) passionate, talented and driven health enthusiasts who want to change the world while building a business as a wellness advocate. Once selected for the program, you’ll receive training, tools and ongoing support to help you establish a wellness practice that uses real food and essential oils to positively impact the health of those you serve. We’ve made all the mistakes. We’ve learned things the hard way. And now, you can benefit. Get off to a fast start and a strong finish!

Who qualifies for this program?

·      Health coaches looking to enhance their personal practice by recruiting new clients and offering additional services

·      Health and wellness professionals, including physicians, nurses, chiropractors, personal trainers, physical therapists and massage therapists

·      Fitness studio owners looking to diversify their monthly revenue sources and enhance the health of their clients

·      Wellness entrepreneurs and healthy living bloggers who are serious about monetizing their health-related pursuits

What will you receive?

Basically, everything you need to build a successful wellness advocate business, including:

Personalized Training - 5 weeks of focused education that will set you up for long-term success as a wellness advocate in your community.

Customized Marketing Kit – including a professionally designed website, weekly social media posts and quarterly strategy calls to review key metrics and share best practices.

Sharing Tools – ongoing templates and strategies for hosting in-person classes as well as Facebook classes and webinars

Proprietary Product Offering– Take advantage of Coach Calie’s Nutrition Matchmaker Program, a holistic approach to healthier eating. You will be able to offer this powerful tool to your clients and prospects. It’s a great way to make a difference in someone’s life while driving your wellness advocate business.

Individual Mentoring – Regular check-ins with Coach Calie to strategically plan and grow your business.

The chance to change your health and finances while helping others to do the same.

What is the commitment?

To be selected for the wellness advocate program, you must agree to a one-year contract that outlines your commitment to complete the necessary tasks to build your business. This is a win-win arrangement. It protects our investment in you, and it ensures your success as a wellness advocate.

How Do You Apply?

To apply for the wellness advocate program, simply click here and fill out the brief questionnaire. Application deadline is January 31, 2015. We will review all entries and make final selections no later than February 13. Formal training for our new wellness advocates will start on March 1. We hope to welcome YOU to the team!

Have questions? Get answers. Email Calie here.