Apple Cider Vinegar Wellness Elixir
I've shared on my Instagram story a few times that I always start my day with my ACV wellness elixir. I've had a lot of questions about the benefits and the recipe so I thought I'd put it in one place for easy access for everyone. So here it is, the recipe and the health benefits. Let me know if you try it!
ACV Wellness Elixir Recipe
1-2 TBS of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
sprinkle of cayenne pepper
Warm water (but not too hot)
optional: 1 tsp of raw honey
Health Benefits:
Apple cider vinegar is full of enzymes and good bacteria along with acetic acid, which helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and also aids our bodies in processing starches. ACV is great for gut health, digestion, and circulation and has been shown to help regulate cholesterol and aid in weight loss. It's also great for skin health.
Lemon juice has a healthy dose of vitamin C, aids in regulating blood sugar and has an alkaline effect on the body helping to regulate our PH. This is important because when the body is too acidic it is more prone to disease.
Cayenne pepper helps to increase metabolism and lower blood pressure.
If you can't stomach the taste and want to add a little raw honey it's loaded with nutrients and can help with allergies, energy and sleep. But remember, if you're doing 80 Day Obsession, just 1-2 tsp a day for it to be considered free.